Sunday, 4 March 2012

First Market Stall - Success!

Good evening all you wonderful followers present and future!
So, my first market stall went really really well! I was so excited about it and I can't believe that we had so many lovely customers despite the disgusting rainy weather!
Pictures will follow but I wanted to thank everyone for their love, care and support and especially Jen who spent the whole 24 hours cutting, sticking, taping, carrying, lugging on trains/buses and supporting the entire day! Also to my lovely housemates for visiting and for those new friends I made who will hopefully see this!  I also made a few fantastic friends - Isabelle (aged 11) and Eleanor (aged 9) who were extremely helpful and two of my first customers (Ever!)

I feel very lucky and I cannot wait for the next market at the Polka Theatre!  I will be in Camden next week if anyone is around and back at Polka 1st Sunday in April :-)  Keep watch on my blog for lots of new ideas and items for the coming markets!

Lots of love and happy Sunday evening all
Amy xxx

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